TPOVU Text Find String Repeat text find No Search criteria set Press any key to continue Files searched : Search aborted Text not foundU File name !!!!!!!! Extension Rename File Wildcards not allowed Press any key to continue File already existsU Cannot rename Root Press any key to continue Directory !!!!!!!! Extension Rename Directory Wildcards not allowed Directory already existsU ? I File name Extension Find File No Search criteria set Press any key to continue File not FoundU 8086 80186 80286 80386 Unknown Information Memory Available = bytes Total Files = Total Directories = ActaeOn Version = V1.60 Release Date = Nov 90 Dos Version = Memory reported by DOS = EMS memory installed = No of serial ports = No of Logical Drives = No of Floppy Drives = Maths Coprocessor = Processor type = " Copyright 1989,90 Jon Clempner Serial No :U Cannot copy file to itself Press any key to continue File Exists Overwrite file? (Y/N)U Copying Abort Do you wish to continue? (Y/N) U Destination Drive MOVE : COPY : ,Select destination directory and press ENTER Enter desination directory Deleting Delete file Are you sure? (Y/N) U Delete Tagged files Are you sure (Y/N)? Confirm each delete (Y/N)? U Cannot delete Root Press any key to continue Directory not empty Press any Key to continue Delete Dir Are you sure? (Y/N) Press any key to continue U Attributes = Last Updated on at U $ < u Dir name !!!!!!!! Extension New Directory Change Label Label Error Unable to set volume labelU %Type "EXIT" to return to ActaeOn Press any key to continue... Shell Error : Press any key to continue U File not found Press any key to continue . e s U &:E t4 & 8 g COMSPEC + ^ t y